A bouquet of flowers can brighten any day, but floral displays can also introduce dangerous hazards if proper care isn’t taken.

Both slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall incidents can occur as a result of common situations found around flower displays. Keep your customers safe as they browse or pass through the floral department in your store by knowing the risks and taking steps to control them.

Beware Slippery Floors

Flowers need water, so eliminating moisture isn’t an option in a floral department. You do, however, want to make sure that water doesn’t collect on floors, where it can make surfaces slick and result in slip-and-fall incidents.

  • Provide customers with bouquet sleeves or bags to catch water.
  • Use non-slip mats in areas where spills are likely.
  • Clean up any spills immediately.
  • Also watch out for dropped petals or other plant matter, which may also be slippery if walked on. Sweep up plant matter promptly.

Watch out for Tripping Hazards

Your store’s flowers are beautiful and eye-catching – but what if a customer is so busy looking at the lilies and roses that he fails to see the empty pallet blocking his path?

Items left in or near indoor or outdoor walkways can lead to trip-and-fall incidents. Floral departments must be vigilant against these hazards.

  • Monitor outdoor floral displays routinely and remove any potential tripping hazards.
  • Avoid placing hoses along walkways where people might trip.
  • Do not leave buckets, empty pallets or other items in walkways.

Train Employees

Good policies are only effective if they’re implemented well. It’s important to train employees on the store’s risk management procedures.

  • Educate staff on the potential risks and how to avoid injuries.
  • Have staff conduct routine inspections for water or tripping hazards.
  • Provide floral department staff with “wet floor” signs and tools to mop up water.

Grocery stores face many unique risks, including those posed by floral departments. That’s why you need a partner who understands these and other risks. Contact RiskPoint’s grocery team.

Want to share this information with your team? Download this Safety Tip here.